Weekly Tefilah Focus

War in Israel – Part 17

The Power Of Ashrei We now return to Ashrei after the last few segments, where we discussed the...

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Section 2


As suggested last week, the beautiful and powerful tefilah of Ahavah Rabah is naturally connected with Birchos HaTorah. Since the Tefilah Focus program is built on constant review, we are taking the opportunity to review this crucial brachah. We have divided the series of 20 segments into ten sections. The following is Section 2, which includes Segments 2, 3, and 4.


The beautiful and powerful tefilah of Ahavah Rabah is naturally connected with Birchos HaTorah. In fact, if one is uncertain as to whether he can recite Birchos HaTorah, one of the primary alternatives is to have in mind when reciting this brachah of Ahavah Rabah to fulfill the mitzvah of Birchos HaTora

I want you to think about a concept that nobody talks about. You won’t hear your rav speak about this on Shabbos. You won’t read an article on this subject in any Jewish magazine, and you certainly won’t hear any politician speak this way. I am referring to the important aspect of fighting the Jewish enemy and, while extremely difficult and painful, how it is an integral – and necessary – part of our national life.