Weekly Tefilah Focus

War in Israel – Part 17

The Power Of Ashrei We now return to Ashrei after the last few segments, where we discussed the...

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V’ne’emar: v’hayah Hashem l’melech al kol ha’aretz, ba’yom hahu yihyeh Hashem echad u’sh’mo echad.

And it also says [Zecharyah 14:9]: And then (at the time of Mashiach) Hashem will be king over the entire world; on that day (even the gentiles will realize that) Hashem is One (and there is no other power) and His Name will be One (mentioned by everyone).

v’chol b’nei vasar yikr’u vishmecha…

and then all of humanity will call in Your Name (to serve You), (and then) all the Earth’s wicked will turn toward You (in repentance), (and) all the inhabitants of the world will recognize and know (that You are the King), that all knees will bow down to You (to accept Your Kingdom), (and) in Your Name all nations will swear in truth (and no longer mention other gods)…

In the last segment, we presented one understanding of “l’sakein olam b’malchus Sha-dai” (to perfect the world with the kingdom of Hashem). In this segment, we present two other understandings. In general, when there are various ways that we can understand a particular phrase in tefilah, each person should choose the one that resonates most in his mind and heart, and that will provide him or her with the greatest feeling of connection to Hashem. The idea of tefilah is not to try to memorize all the meanings and have them in mind. That may be appropriate when learning Torah, but not in tefilah.

L’haavir gillulim min ha’aretz, v’ha’elilim karos yikareisun. L’sakein olam b’malchus Sha-dai…

To remove abominable idolatry from the earth, and that all idols will be totally cut down (destroyed), (and then You will return Your Sh’chinah) to perfect the world with the Kingdom of Hashem (Who set a limit to the creation)…