Dear Goldy:

 I’m not a shadchan because I can’t devote a lot of time to it. Baruch Hashem, I have a full life with my job, family, etc. But several years ago, I set up my cousin with my husband’s friend. Baruch Hashem, things worked out, and they are married with a family of their own. It happened three more times over the years. It’s people that I know or are connected with.

Dear Goldy:

I’m a mother and grandmother. I have married off all of my children k”h, and now my grandchildren are beginning to walk down the aisle. I’m mature with experience. I’ve been there and done that in all my years. I read your columns and know what (some) of my children had to do in order to get married. We all jumped through hoops. I’m giving this introduction to show that I didn’t just land from outer space and am misinterpreting the scene that unfolded before me the other night.

Dear Goldy:

I’ve been dating someone. He’s a good catch. He’s well mannered, speaks well, always asks my opinion, he calls when he says he will, etc. A friend dated him, and one of my mother’s friend’s daughters did. I spoke with my friend and the other girl when the shidduch was redt. My friend had great things to say about him, except that he was the one to end their relationship a few weeks into it. She was disappointed. The ex-wife didn’t really say anything. I tried, because I wanted to know who I would be getting myself involved with, but she really didn’t give me anything. It was so frustrating.

Dear Goldy:

I put myself out there on dating sites and say that I’m an outdoorsy type of person who likes “hiking, adventure, bicycling, etc.” – all of those outdoorsy types of things that people say that they “like” to do.

Dear Goldy:

Love your column. It’s great. I’ve had my (more than) fair share of bad dates and questionable situations. I know you do your hishtadlus to make sure that whatever letter you publish is a truthful letter and not one that was made up by those who wanted to see if their letters will get published. You’ve probably weeded out a few fakes over the years. That’s why I’m so sorry to say that I think you published a fake letter by someone who heard of the situation she wrote about on the radio.