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Introduces $1 million matching grant in honor of Rabbi Zevulun Charlop to support elite Torah scholars

Celebrating a passionate commitment to Torah and the Jewish people, YU RIETS will ordain 135 new rabbis on Sunday, June 16, in the Nathan Lamport Auditorium at Zysman Hall. The triannual event since 1903 is a testament to YU’s commitment to the future of the Jewish people, educating the next generation of stellar rabbinic leaders.

The Red Wave that failed to sweep the 2020 Presidential Election did have a handful of wins, including the ascension to power of Rep. Mike Lawler in the Hudson Valley. Lawler has been an outspoken voice within the GOP, and I had the honor to hear him speak with complete determination on the failures in education that cultivate antisemitism, and in support of our pro-Israel and overall Jewish values.

The U.S. Army represents an unwavering dedication that stands as a force ready to defend our country from threats abroad. As I reflect on my one year in retirement from the U.S. Army, I am honored to have the opportunity to have served this great nation. I am proud to have been the recipient of The Legion of Merit as a recognition of my 30 years of service to our Country. I have come to the realization that it is now time for another generation of young officers to lead our formations, one of which is one of my sons.” said Colonel (Ret.) Sullivan.

The absolute anarchy of the college campus protests has the public and politicians wondering what can be done about these universities that foster hatred for Jews, Israel, America, and Western Civilization. Obviously, people are allowed to say what they want, and are allowed to protest, but that does not mean that illegal activities such as calls for violence, vandalism, and trespassing are allowed. It also does not mean that the taxpayer must subsidize what is being taught at these colleges. The path towards a solution led the House of Representatives to pass the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.”

Much has been made of the nasty and perverse anti-Israel demonstration on Saturday, April 27, outside the White House Correspondents Dinner at the Hilton Hotel on Connecticut Ave in DC. The glitzy affair featured President Joe Biden hurling jabs at GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump while also offering dire warnings of the fate of democracy in America if he isn’t re-elected in November.

 First thanks to those of you who have reached out. This is not an easy letter to compose. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to share with you my observations and to explain why silence in the face of evil is not an option. Yesterday was an up day for those of us who are dual American Israeli  Citizens. It was an up day because we had the opportunity to view the coverage of a major demonstration showing support for Israel in Washington DC. An opportunity to hear the voices of Christians and Muslims join those of my Jewish brothers and sisters in articulating why Hamas must be destroyed and cease to be a threat to Israel and the Palestinian people.