On Motza’ei Shabbos, February 1, community members, shul members, and alumni of Yeshiva Kesser Torah gathered at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills for a beautiful melaveh malkah. Rabbi Avraham Dovid Garber, Rav of Yeshiva Kesser Torah, welcomed everyone and noted that the yeshivah has been in Kew Gardens Hills for 30 years. Today, it boasts 25 minyanim daily, 136 minyanim weekly, 619 minyanim monthly, and over 7,000 minyanim yearly. All of our t’filos should be answered!
On Friday morning, January 23, Rabbi Berel Wein, Senior Rabbi of Beit Knesset HaNasi and world-renowned author and lecturer, shared an inspiring shiur on Parshas VaEira at his shul. He began by sharing the difference between self-confidence and arrogance. Arrogance means belittling the challenge and saying you can do it. Self-confidence means admitting it is a hard job but saying that, nevertheless, you can do it.
On Wednesday, January 22, Yeshiva Primary celebrated their second-grade students receiving their first chumashim. In Hebrew classes in Yeshiva Primary, the students are arranged by levels. Many of the students came to the yeshivah over the past couple of years from public school.
On Tuesday afternoon, January 21, this writer had the privilege of attending a beautiful sold-out performance titled “Somebody’s Boy” at the Jerusalem Theater, produced by Regal Productions for women and girls to benefit the chesed organization Zir Chemed [pronounced Tzir Chemed]. This annual professional production included several night shows and one matinee.
On Tuesday night, January 28, a crowd gathered at Yiboneh Shul in Emek Refaim to hear an incredible parshah shiur given by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rav of Kehillas Ohr Somayach and Senior Lecturer at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach.
Esti (Steinig) Sarles, author of the newly released picture book, The Very Important Puzzle Piece, is a Kew Gardens Hills resident and an alumna of Shevach High School. She has always enjoyed creative writing.