Our Sages teach us that the Kabalas HaTorah of our forefathers, thousands of years ago, was not an isolated incident. In fact, in every generation, we revisit this “kabbalah” – this unique acceptance of Torah primacy in our lives; and in return, the Torah uplifts us, guides us, and protects us. With our great leaders showing us the way, each and every Jew, from the simplest to the most scholarly, can have an impact on the world, not only for himself and his family, but with the power of his “kabalas haTorah” on any level, he can affect the lives of others in a great and meaningful way.

Avraham Eidelman grew up and lived his entire life in the city of Brisk. He earned a special connection with the Rav of Brisk, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l (the Beis HaLevi), and years later, the Rav’s family related that there were only two baalebatim whom the Rav trusted implicitly, one of them being Avraham Eidelman. The two families grew very close.

The following story is told about Rav Moshe Leib Sassover zt”l when he moved the first time from Sassov to the city of Apt. As Rav Moshe Leib and his family were traveling in their carriage, they came across two men in a horse and wagon.

The following story was told by Rav Avraham Hillel Goldberg z”l, a prominent student of the holy Chofetz Chaim, HaRav Yisrael Meir Kagan zt”l, and later Rav of Kfar Pines in Israel. He recorded the episode, which he was privileged to witness:

Ariel “Arik” Sharon was a famous Israeli statesman, former Prime Minister and retired Major General who served in the IDF for more than 25 years. In mid-December 2005, Prime Minister Sharon spent two days in a hospital after suffering a minor stroke, which doctors said caused no irreparable brain damage.

The Rebbe of Rimanov, Rav Tzvi Hirsch HaKohen zt”l, was not born into an illustrious lineage, nor was he a child prodigy. He was born into a simple family and was orphaned at a very young age. He was taken in by a local tailor, who tried to teach him a trade, but Rav Tzvi Hirsch had a lofty soul and was handpicked by Rav Menachem Mendel Rimanover zt”l to succeed him as the Rebbe of Rimanov. Many people flocked to Rav Tzvi Hirsch for his wise and sage advice.