Chabad on Campus of Queens hosted an evening for women that was both holy and intimate. Noted author and lecturer Mrs. Rivka Slonim addressed the topic of mikveh and intimacy. Her lecture was clear, down-to-earth, Jewish, and utterly genuine. Slonim touched on the great sacrifices that Jewish women have made through the ages for mikveh, from the times of Masada to modern-day Israel.

“A woman living in Ariel, Israel, called me last week,” she recounted. “She was at the mikveh and a siren had just gone off. She didn’t know what to do. We both realized that Hashem would protect her via the Iron Dome.”

The reactions from community members and students at Queens College were filled with positivity. “Thank you so much for bringing Rivka to our neighborhood,” said G. Fried.

The new Chabad House was packed for the program. “We set up and borrowed as many chairs as we could find and, in the end, women were sitting on the couches, benches, and even a few on the steps,” Rebbetzin Tzipah Wertheimer of Chabad on Campus of Queens explained. “I was so touched to see such a beautiful cross-section of ladies from Kew Gardens Hills and surrounding areas.”

“It was an amazing event and a huge success!” said D. Steiman, a local resident. 

The evening started with T’hilim for Israel, led by Rebbetzin Sima Tzadka of Beit Midrash Tov. Rebbetzin Yael Marcus of YIQV introduced Slonim with uplifting and encouraging words.

Much appreciation is extended to the Queens Jewish Community Council for their sponsorship and continuous leadership.

“Rivka Slonim has it all: erudition, grounded in Torah and Chabad Chassidus. She also peppered her remarks with humor, great storytelling, and sweetness,” said Malka Brocha Finkler.

“I am excited to be offering the community a review of the laws of Mikveh. Details about the review course, as well as a recording of the talk, are available at,” added Wertheimer.