Weekly Tefilah Focus

War in Israel – Part 17

The Power Of Ashrei We now return to Ashrei after the last few segments, where we discussed the...

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Al kein n’kaveh l’cha Hashem Elokeinu lir’os m’heirah b’siferes uzecha

(Since You are the only power) therefore we hope and trust in You (to save us), Hashem Who takes special care of us, (and) to see, without delay, the glory of Your great strength…

We begin with a brief summary (from Yaaleh V’Yavo 5), from the beginning of Yaaleh V’Yavo until the point with which we ended in our last segment of Yaaleh V’Yavo:

We began Yaaleh V’Yavo with asking that our tefilos rise above the barriers and be accepted.

Having covered the first paragraph of Aleinu in the past, we now begin the second paragraph, starting with “Al kein n’kaveh” (nusach Ashkenaz) or “V’al kein n’kaveh” (nusach Sefard).

u’fakdeinu vo li’vrachah (and consider us on this day for prosperity and success): We ask that whatever Hashem decrees upon us should be for blessing, which also implies an increased flow of blessing.