This week’s parshah is a powerful exhortation to live a life of k’dushah. Haftaras K’doshim links the rejection of k’dushah to Galus. If we Yidden fall into error – G-d forbid – then we are ejected from our Holy Land and thrown into the mouth of the lion.

Daniel Kravitz, the owner of a secondhand furniture shop in Denver, was taken aback by the customer who entered his store. The young man was dressed like a hoodlum, with a shaved head and bare arms covered with tattoos, including the venomous message, “Kill Jews!” It was clear he was a neo-Nazi.


 Columbia University has decided to cancel its university-wide commencement ceremony scheduled for May 15, citing security concerns amidst ongoing disruptive and violent protests, particularly related to anti-Israel demonstrations. Instead, the university will hold smaller-scale, school-based celebrations, where students will be honored individually alongside their peers.

Jerusalem has numerous streets whose names are connected to nearby historical sites. Ir David, the City of David, was the capital of Jerusalem when King David reigned almost three thousand years ago. The charming Givat Chananya community offers panoramic views of the Old City and Ir David, and therefore many of its streets are named for King David’s relatives, including ancestors Obed and Yishai, wife Batsheva and sister Tzruya.

Recap: Jordie was waiting for a message from FBI agent Donaldson, but instead he got a phone text message to go to Zevi’s house and to bring the envelope. Aunt Ellie was suspicious if this was legitimate and told them to wait to see if another message came. While they waited to see if another message would come, they began reading the journal from Nana.