Dear Goldy:

I’m not complaining about my feelings – as you always write. But the truth is I feel bad. It’s the summertime, I’m of a mature age, and I would love to go on a vacation somewhere, a cruise, a tour...something. This past year, the last of my single friends got married. It used to be that a group of us would vacation in the summer or winter. But as the years went on, our numbers dwindled, and it’s just me left. I don’t want to take a trip or go lounge on a tropical beach by myself. And I sure as heck don’t want to spend my summers at the New York City beaches.

Dear Goldy: 

My profile is on a few dating websites. I was contacted by a guy from one of them. We began communicating online and then, when we realized things were still moving in the right direction, we started calling each other and hearing each other’s voice. So far, so good, right?

One of Israel’s greatest rabbis, renowned for hundreds of phenomenal miracles

 Great Neck residents are getting excited! The Rebbe is coming again. Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Great Neck, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. every year the sensation repeats itself. Every year when the Rebbe arrives at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. The street becomes a hive of activity as lawyers, doctors, lay leaders, rabbis, educators, ranging from Hassidic to modern orthodox mingle as they flock to the Rebbe's house. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe's blessing.

Dear Goldy:

I’ve been dating for many years. In the beginning, I only wanted to date someone who was planning on living in the tri-state area. I’m very close with my family and I can’t imagine going weeks or months without seeing them. Skype and Zoom are not the same thing as in-person. I can’t go to my sister’s house for a cup of coffee one afternoon or go shopping with my mom or have her pop over and bring me some “extra” supper that was left over if I live out of town. This has been the life for my married siblings, and I want it. They are always popping over one another’s house or going places together with their kids. I didn’t think this would be an issue. This is New York, New Jersey, and even Connecticut; there are thousands of guys out here and I felt like there was no need to look elsewhere.

Dear Goldy:

My family isn’t rich or even well off. My siblings and I started working as teenagers and we’ve always bought what we wanted. Our parents took care of our needs, but if there was anything extra any of us wanted, we’d pay for it ourselves. After high school, I seriously started thinking about saving for my wedding.

Allow me to interrupt my usual flow of articles. The articles that have been prepared weeks in advance are patiently waiting their turn to be submitted for publication.