After Hamas, Arab countries blame Israel, IDF says analysis shows errant rocket fired by terror group hit Al-Ahli hospital; videos appear to support Israel’s position

The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday night said it was not behind a blast at a hospital in the Gaza Strip, which according to Hamas health authorities led to hundreds of deaths, and that a misfired rocket launched by Gaza terrorists led to the explosion at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital.

Israel is now battle-ready. So said the spokesman for the IDF in response to a question from a correspondent. Is this war inevitable? Is it reckless? Will the losses be tolerable? Are any losses tolerable? The left has already started to answer these questions. A human catastrophe is occurring in Gaza. People are starving. Families are displaced. Buildings are being leveled. Israel is the culprit. Many American rabbis are equally outraged by the carnage of the Hamas savages, by the burned bodies, by bullet-riddled babies, by beheaded men and woman in the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip, and by the destruction caused by Israeli aircraft responding to the murder of 1,300 of its citizens. They counsel Israel not to “overreact,” not to be “disproportionate.” The situation, they say, can be solved by diplomacy.

Hamas, the terror organization that just murdered the most Jews since the Holocaust, has spokespeople in the United States House of Representatives. These members of Congress are actively attempting to ensure the survival of Hamas and more funds to be sent to them so they can attack Israel at a later date. This group, the Hamas Caucus, just filed a House Resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.

On the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the dual holiday of Sh’mini Atzeres and Simchas Torah, the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas launched a multi-pronged attack on civilian populations in the Land of Israel. As word slowly got around to the Jewish community in the United States, many are confused on what exactly happened when.