Tel Aviv, ISRAEL– When the devastating news of October 7 reached the US, the response was immediate. But it wasn’t just reserve soldiers and ex-patriot Israelis boarding EL AL’s planes. For thousands of Diaspora Jews, prayers and donations were simply not enough–they had to come to Israel in person to show their love and solidarity.

A New York Times investigation on Thursday, December 28, described in gruesome detail how Hamas weaponized sexual violence during its multi-pronged October 7 terror assault on Israel. Serious bodily violations were part of the methods used by Hamas, as Lahav 433, Israel’s top national police unit, collected evidence of dozens of cases of abuse. The report was conducted through many investigations with the collection of survivor testimonies of more than 150 witnesses, medical personnel, rape counselors, soldiers, and government officials. All of this was uncovered also with video footage of scans and GPS data from cell phones. Around 30 percent of Israelis killed on October 7 – some 360 out of 1,200 – had attended the Nova Music Festival on a weekend of atrocious mayhem. Many of the victims had their charred remains near the music site.

The routine for most Israelis since October 7, 2023, has been: Get up in the morning, immediately review the news, breathe again when no soldiers were lost or terrorist attacks were promulgated, go to beit knesset if you are so inclined, go to work with one eye or ear on the media, get through the day – and begin the next. Many days involve going to a funeral of a fallen “Hero of Israel” or visiting those who have suffered losses or are waiting for the return of hostages. The war in Gaza grinds on and the rockets, drones, RPGs, and antitank weapons scream towards civilian targets in the North, the Red Sea, and Eilat. Uncertainty and anxiety are the norm. But as a society, Israelis are determined to reach our goals: the return of the hostages and the destruction of Hamas. This is an existential battle, and it must be won. With G-d’s help, it will be won.

A package aimed at giving $17.6 billion to Israel failed to pass the House of Representatives on February 6. The bill, seen as a political ploy by many Democrats and by President Biden, had been facing a veto threat from the White House, which is pushing for Congress to consider Israel aid as part of a larger $118 billion supplemental security package. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) unveiled the standalone Israel bill, known as the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, over the weekend, which was introduced by Rep. Ken Calvert (R-California).

After the atrocities of October 7, all the previous terror attacks on innocent civilians in Israel were tragically pushed aside in our collective memory. While the attention obviously focused heavily on what happened in October, we should never forget the lives that were taken throughout the calendar year. When people clamor for a “Free Palestine,” remember that they cheer the death of Jews in the Land of Israel.

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