Ask anyone why we mourn during “The Nine Days” and they will tell you it’s because the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed. While it’s true that this tragic event happened during these days, according to chasidic teachings, that is not why we mourn.

This past Sunday, Mexican voters made history, choosing between two frontrunners to make history as the country’s first woman president was elected. Former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, 61, won by a commanding lead, running in the Morena party of term-limited incumbent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Teachers often write things in end-of-term reports like “progress has been made” or “there has been much growth.” Isn’t that what we want from our students when they leave our rooms? For them to grow as students and as people? 

In her continuing non-apology tour, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized to anti-Zionist sect Neturei Karta for ignoring their request for a photo-op. “In my effort to show that I’m not an anti-Semite, I’ve met with many Jews from the social justice community. They share my opposition to the Israeli financial occupation of congressional campaign accounts,” she said.

Israel supporters worldwide are up in arms over the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision, under the auspices of its chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for potential crimes against humanity. This egregious attempt to put Israel’s democratically elected leaders next to Hamas’ Yahya Sinwar as potential war criminals is an insidious notion to consider, just as the Jewish state has been waging a costly war against a terrorist regime in Gaza.

After tepidly denouncing President Donald Trump in a recent opinion column, longtime Queens Jewish Link writer Sergey Kadinsky earned himself an angry letter from reader Ahron Price. “Who does Kadinsky think he is? No president has embraced the Jewish community as tightly as Donald J. Trump. After everything that he had done for Sholom Rubashkin, the Jerusalem embassy, and how about that diplomatic wunderkind Jared Kushner, Jews should be voting Republican for the next hundred years!”