When tragedy strikes, there is often no rhyme or reason. Yet we often find unsung heroes who rarely desire recognition or accolade. Jews, in particular, have long found Florida as a refuge from the chaos and fast-paced life elsewhere, and many have settled on its shores to ride out their golden years. The Surfside Champlain South Towers oceanfront condominium collapse last Thursday, just north of Miami Beach, has left 12 confirmed dead and 149 victims unaccounted for, as structural flaws are revealed and an investigation before a grand jury appears imminent. Most apartments in this complex had a mezuzah affixed on their doorposts, and during wintertime this condo has a much higher occupancy rate. There remains a concern that there are duplicate names on the unaccounted list, as both English and Hebrew names might have been reported to the rescue team.

It was 20 years ago today – a long time but not long enough to forget the horrors that occurred on September 11, 2001. Every one of us who lived through those shocks will remember them forever.

Rabbonim, Singers & 500,000+ People for Shidduchim at TuBavTogether.com, plus what did Rav Chaim Kanievsky say about this year’s Tefillah?

This coming Sunday, July 25, is the day of tefillah for Tu B’Av. At 12:00 p.m. EST,
join over 500,000+ Jews around the world uniting together in tefillah for shidduchim - “Tu B’Av Together”

One moment. 500,000 Jews across the globe. Together for shidduchim. That is Tu B’Av Together.

The Jewish community of Central Queens is reeling from the shock of the untimely passing of a well-known community personality, Mr. Marc Hoschander, Reb Melech ben Ephraim z”l. The warmth he radiated, along with his energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life, will be sorely missed. Marc was a compassionate, pleasant gentleman who ran to do a mitzvah and display his love for Hashem and His creations.

The past Shabbos, exactly one month after the collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, search efforts were officially ceased, bringing a close to one of the worst disasters in Florida history. It was two days later that the final unaccounted victim, Estelle Hedaya a”h, 54, was identified by her younger brother Ikey, bringing the total to 98 fatalities. This moment culminated a month of heart-wrenching t’filos for the Jewish community that committed to bringing peace to each affected family. Nobody who was found deceased is believed to have survived the initial collapse.

Imagine you wake up one morning, and suddenly notice that your hands are green. As you pull off your blanket, you see that your legs are green, as well. Your heart rate speeds up, as you realize that your entire room has turned green! As you walk around your house, you’re shocked to see that everything in your home has transformed into a leafy green. You head out of your house and make your way to work, and everything you see has somehow become green. As you pull up to your office, you pass by a reflection in the mirror, and you stop dead in your tracks – you’re wearing green glasses!