Situated in the picturesque Binyamin mountain range just north of Jerusalem, the AdamGeva Binyamin community is emerging as a beacon of diverse residents and quality living. This suburban Yishuv, one of the largest in Binyamin, is located only 10 minutes from the center of Jerusalem. Due to its proximity to Jerusalem and its comfortable living conditions, it attracts people seeking suburban living—a slice of tranquility right outside the city. As Tivuch Shelly has done in the past in places like Modiin, Beit Shemesh, and Ma’ale Adumim, we are excited to create a community and grow this special area.


 New York City is extending a migrant shelter curfew to over a dozen locations after recent violent incidents in Times Square involving police and migrants. The curfew, initially implemented in four shelters, will now affect 20 others, affecting approximately 3,600 migrants. The move aims to prioritize the safety of both migrants and local communities, with a spokesperson emphasizing efficient capacity management. This decision follows the arrest of a 15-year-old migrant for allegedly shooting a tourist and firing at police, reigniting concerns over migrant-related violence in the city.

Inspired by the living legacy of Senator Joseph Lieberman as a model of faith and civility across the political aisle, Yeshiva University has established the Senator Joseph Lieberman-Mitzner Center for Public Service and Advocacy. Founded with a $10 million gift from YU’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ira Mitzner and his family, the program will educate the next generation of public servants and advocates, preparing and empowering students to improve the world through leadership on a local, national and international scale.   

One by one, we tragically hear,

Silently, we mourn each one;

This soldier is someone’s father,

husband, wife, sibling, daughter, son.


Our soldiers bravely fight;

We, the people, love them all.

These are our most precious men and women;

Our hearts break to see one fall.


They go with determination

Of their mission, they are sure;

They are fighting for Jewish survival,

Hamas can exist no more.


An anxious mother collapses;

“Please don’t let it be true.”

Her body is shaking,

She is trembling through and through.


Her hands cover her face,

She lets out a piercing cry.

“My baby, my heart, my soul;

“Tell me, soldier, how did he die?”


“We entered Gaza courageously,

Marching strong with pride;

Valiantly gripping our weapons,

Searching where the enemy might hide.


We looked for possible ambushes,

We searched for tunnels deep,

Wondering and looking,

Where are the hostages they keep.


Then, from under a hospital,

Emerged animals of war.

Your son shot and kept on shooting,

Until he could shoot no more.


I held him in my arms,

As tears ran down his eyes.

Your son said the most beautiful comments,

Which to me were no surprise.


He said he’d dreamed of a future.

Of a wife, children, and a home,

A life free of running to shelters,

And the blast of the Iron Dome.


He dreamt of kissing his mother,

Hugging his siblings and his dad;

He recalled all his great friends,

And all the fun he’d had.


He grabbed my arm gently,

“Sh’ma Yisrael,” he did cry.

He said, “Please, tell my family,

I sorrowfully say goodbye.


“Please tell them that I love them,

More than they’ll ever know.

I will always be with them,

Wherever they may go.


“I’m sorry to leave them,

We should’ve had many years.

War causes misery, devastation,

Heartache, and endless tears.


“But I fought for my country,

Beside the best of men.

If it was a redo,

I’d enlist once again.


“Our homeland is Israel,

One day, the fight will cease.

Mashiach will come,

Till then, here I’ll rest in peace.”


This mother grabbed her chest,

She was shaken to the core.

She proudly said, “My son is a hero,”

Then, loudly recited the Yizkor!

 By Ruki D. Renov