No-fuss makeup doesn’t always equal boring. You can opt for simple yet beautiful by playing up just one feature and still look polished. The following makeup tips will help you achieve three high impact look effortlessly.  

Glowing Skin

The goal may be natural radiance, but the first step is getting uniform coverage.  Start with a drop of lightweight foundation that has a hit of sheen. Mix a drop of golden-brown highlighter or illuminator, then brush the new base all over your face.  If you need a bit more color, sweep powder bronzer onto the cheeks.

Next, balance bronzy tones with a pop of pink cream blush, blended onto the apples of the cheeks.  This gives a pop of freshness and brightens the face as well.  

Smoky Eyes

First, choose a shimmery apricot shadow as your base, brush it into the lids, and then place under the browbone. For more dimension, use a metallic bronze shadow and layer it from the outer third of the lid, sweeping into the crease.

Define the lashes with a chocolate-colored pencil for intensity, and trace a brown shadow over the liner, then smudge for a soft smoky effect. 

Tomato Red Lips

  1. Prep your lips with a Vitamin E stick to moisturize and create a smooth surface for color to adhere to.
  2. Line with a pencil in the same shade as your lip color.
  3. Fill in the whole mouth with your vibrant color. 
  4. Use a clean eye brush dipped into translucent powder and trace the edges of your mouth to prevent the color from smudging. If you prefer some extra sheen, you can apply a drop of gloss in the center of your lips only. 


A little bit of makeup can go a long way to give you that finished look. Next time you need a quick fix and are pressed for time, concentrate on one feature you’d like to play up. 

Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.


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