Are you incurably addicted to your own gratification? Perhaps you engage in inordinate amounts of pleasure-seeking. Maybe you know someone who seems incredibly self-absorbed. Your friend or mate may even ignore you in the name of his own needs.

Why do some friendships and relationships make it while others don’t? If you ask anyone in a close relationship, they will surely tell you that they set out wanting to make things work. Have any of your long-term friendships simply dissolved or faded away?

Have you ever found yourself suddenly unable to carry out your normal day-to-day activities? Perhaps you started crying and simply could not stop. Or you took to bed in the middle of the day. You know what they say: Naps are tricky, because you either wake up refreshed and relaxed, or you have a headache, dry throat, and are unaware of what year you’re in. But truly, underneath layers of deception, you may have convinced yourself that you are incapable or unworthy of going on in this life.

Do you believe that having good self-esteem is crucial to your well-being? Have you noticed that there are those who simply seem to like themselves despite the absence of great wealth, good looks, or even signs of approval from others? Speaking of looks, you know that the first day of school is always a fashion show. The rest of the school year? A pajama party. Oh, and wealth? I know, you want to get to a point in your life financially where adding guacamole to your burrito isn’t a big decision. I get it.

What do you need to do in order to be happy? Do you dream of succeeding or winning against someone or something? Instead of conquering the world, perhaps we should prevail over our own minds. As they say: When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: “Whose?”

Do you feel okay about yourself? Do you think that you deserve goodness and generosity? Believe it or not, some of us even question if we have a right to exist. If your parents were unduly harsh, you might seek an inordinate amount of approval from others. You may fear constantly being blasted or berated.