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It was a welcome break from studying for finals when 130 local college students joined Emet Outreach for a meaningful Shabbaton in Jamaica Estates. Diligently planned by the St. John’s University Jewish Student Association, the annual Shabbaton brought simcha and spirituality in these challenging times. “The Shabbaton was such a beautiful experience and I’m so proud of JSA’s Executive Board for their hard work in making it happen,” said Sara Basiratmand Benyamin, Emet Program Director. “Emet was happy to provide Shabbos programming and support, but this Shabbaton was run by the students for the students. JSA also invited friends from other colleges, which made everyone feel connected.”

Speaker Carl Heastie, Education Committee Chair Michael Benedetto, and Assemblymember Nily Rozic announced the State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget investment of $500,000 to review and update the curriculum on the Holocaust, as antisemitism continues to rise across the state. The Anti-Defamation League reported that antisemitic incidents rose by 110 percent last year, with incidents of harassment up 226 percent in New York.

The common question arises: Why do we count upwards towards Shavuos instead of downwards, eagerly anticipating the moment we reach the pinnacle of our journey? Rav Shimshon Pincus offers insight through a teaching from Rav Aharon Kotler. Rav Aharon poses a thought-provoking question regarding Yaakov’s experience waiting seven years to marry Rachel. Surprisingly, the Torah describes these years as passing quickly for him, contrary to what one might expect. Rav Aharon explains that Yaakov was not merely enduring the wait; rather, he was preparing for the foundation of the Jewish people.

On Friday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with the new Consul General of Israel, Ofir Akunis, to discuss deepening ties between New York City – home to the largest community of Jewish people in the world outside of Israel – the State of Israel, and their shared commitment to democratic values. They addressed the atrocities of October 7 in Israel and the desire to end all forms of hate and anti-American rhetoric in New York City. They also focused on the importance of educating people about these events and the necessity of a strong response to dismantle Hamas, prevent future violence, and create peace in the region.

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