This past Shabbos was the shloshim for Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe talmid Chaim Avraham ben Baruch Yisroel Jungreis a"h. His loss was strongly felt by his chaveirim and all the talmidim at the yeshivah. The boys in the Jr. High chose, on their own, to organize learning mishnayos l'iluy neshmaso. With the participation of so many of the students, they were able to accomplish finishing the entire shas mishnayos. A beautiful siyum was held in the yeshivah this past Sunday morning, immediately after Shacharis.

Rabbi Becker began the program by highlighting the tremendous accomplishment of the boys and how proud the yeshivah is of them. Rabbi Becker also spoke about Chaim Avraham's wonderful midos and how we can all learn from him. The yeshivah was fortunate to have Rabbi Jungreis participate, who also spoke about Chaim Avraham and his life's impact. Rabbi Jungreis then taught the final mishnah in shas followed by the recitation of the hadran. The boys then enjoyed a special bagel breakfast to celebrate the siyum. May the learning be a z'chus for Chaim Avraham's neshamah and may Hashem grant the Jungreis family, together with all of klal Yisrael, nechamah and only simchah.

Editor's Note: Chaim Avraham, born in 2012, was niftar on April 10 following a valiant battle with cancer spanning many years of his precious life. He is deeply missed by his parents Rabbi Boruch and Shifra Jungreis, and his siblings Avigdor, Miriam, Racheli, Chanala, Yerachmiel, and Raizy.