As we near the end of the spring semester, there’s a bittersweet excitement running through the halls of the Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Central): Regular classes are coming to an end for the class of 2024, and, starting April 15, the senior class will enjoy an annual Central tradition: Senior Seminar!

The seminar is a practical, well-rounded, educational week for those soon to make their departure and enter the real world. Seminar week was preceded by senior experiences that dotted the months of the spring semester and included, among other things, an outing to Yeshiva University’s “Seforim Sale.” Sessions for this week include:

“The Secret to Winning with Money” with certified financial planner and Senior Financial Advisor to the Achiezer Team, Ms. Stacey Zrihen

“How to Keep a Kosher Kitchen” with Central’s very own Mashgiach Ruchani, Rabbi Joshua Goller

a presentation from Mr. Jared Sharf, Assistant Director of Community Outreach at the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA)

a talk on genetic testing from board-certified genetic counselor Ms. Raizy Abittan (YUHSG class of 2014)

Women in Jewish Law (WIJL) sessions with Central’s Head of School, Ms. Bracha Rutner, and Judaic Studies faculty member, Mrs. Yael Axelrod

Sessions on healthy relationships, eating disorder awareness, a trip to the mikvah – and even kickboxing sessions and how to change a tire! – will cap off the experience.

Central seniors look forward to the seminars every year for a reason: They are useful, thought-provoking, and fun – providing a warm, familiar introduction to new and unfamiliar terrain. “Central was a great trial run for life, and Senior Seminar and internships are going to be the best ending to that trial, so we can get started doing our part as citizens of the world,” said senior Elisheva Ilyayeff. “I am excited to learn important skills for life, and I am even more excited to carry those skills out in the real world.”

Immediately following the school’s break for Pesach will be the second phase of this real-world education: senior internships, which will run through the month of May. This end to their high school careers inspires these soon-to-be graduates to embrace the future.

“I am looking forward to learning new things and experiencing parts of the real world,” senior Meira Schuck reflected. “I think that my internship will teach me about the experience of owning and running a business, and I am looking forward to that. Throughout these next two months, I will learn many valuable lessons that I would most likely not find elsewhere.”

Additional upcoming senior events include the Senior Shabbaton in New Rochelle, the Central Senior Dinner, and of course, the graduation of the class of 2024, which will take place on Wednesday, June 5, at Lamport Auditorium on the campus of Yeshiva University.

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