Colors: Blue Color

Visiting Jewish patients at Northwell Hospital in Forest Hills for years, known as “The Rabbi” by residents at the Castle Senior Living assisted facility in Corona for his spiritual Shabbos and holiday services, blowing the shofar while on nasal oxygen for the homebound, Tom Hamori was remembered on his Shloshim at Congregation Havurat Yisrael on Sunday, April 7.

The Torah commands us to count the days from Pesach to Shavuos in order to connect the Exodus on Pesach with the Giving of the Torah on Shavuos. The days of S’firas HaOmer are a time to rectify character attributes. Rav Moshe Feinstein explains that the name “Shavuos,” literally “Weeks,” so beautifully conveys this idea, since the holiday of Shavuos is an outcome of the weeks that precede it. For this very reason, the date of the holiday of Shavuos is determined by the 49 days of S’firas HaOmer, and not the date, because the 49 days prior, that are used to prepare, are essential to the holiday, and are required in full (see Sheim MiShmuel, BaMidbar 5675).

On Sunday evening, March 31, the Bukharian Congregation of Briarwood featured an inspiring event titled “Elevating Your Relationships and Unveiling the Secrets of Pesach,” featuring Rabbi Paysach Krohn, well known mohel, author, and speaker, and Rabbi Yisrael Abisror, founder and CEO of Lincoln Square & Co. and Board Member of the Talmudic College in Orlando, Florida. The shiur was hosted by Chazaq, Amudim, and UJA.