Colors: Blue Color

Rebbetzin Devorah Kigel presented the second part of a two-part virtual series on the mystical connection between financial success and challah, hosted by Emet Outreach. Rebbetzin Kigel taught that the woman creates the physical place connected to Hashem. Baking challah is opening gates of blessing. “Shabbos is the soul of the week. Baking challah is not just baking bread. It’s much more. It symbolizes the unification of our two worlds: the physical and the spiritual.” The word challah has the root of chol, which means regular or every day. When we bake challah, we are in essence raising up the weekday – the chol – and making it holy. She shared that a holy, righteous life is made up of little moments.

On Sunday evening, January 31, Dr. Shmuel Shields, certified nutritionist, shared a life-changing lecture at Congregation Chasam Sofer in Kew Gardens Hills. Community members attended with social distancing and masks, and also on Zoom.