Rambam Mesivta graduated its 27th class on June 19, to the rousing applause of faculty, staff, parents, family members and students.

North Woodmere resident Azaria Sussman, the class valedictorian, spoke about the people he has met who have had a tremendous impact on their communities.

“When you meet people who do extraordinary things and see how ordinary they are, you realize you too can make an impact on the things you care about,” Azaria said, exhorting the class to use their strengths to better the world.

Rabbi Yotav Eliach, principal of Rambam Mesivta, spoke to the graduates about making the most of their experience at yeshivot in Israel next year.

“Next year is about immersing yourself in the study, culture, and practice of Torah. Nowhere is better suited for this than Eretz HaKodesh – Medinat Yisrael!” Rabbi Eliach said.

In addition to the valedictorian, Benjamin Gross of Cedarhurst was named as salutatorian and Gavriel Friedman of Brooklyn was the recipient of the Keter Shem Tov award.

Graduates are: Eli Bruckenstein, Ami Dube, Boaz Duftler, Zev David Engelsohn, Gavriel Friedman, Shmuli Glick, Benjamin Gross, Joseph Kalbo, Tzvi Katz, Yehudah Kestenbaum, Noam Klein, Moshe Kopolovich, Yaacov Lazar, Marcello Mimun, Mordechai Newman, Yitzhak Nissani, Meir Perl, Chai Redner, Akiva Roffe, Yehuda Rumstein, Yaakov Schaffran, Joseph Shedlo, David Stricker, Azaria Sussman, Samuel Vulakh, Menachem Weiss and Ari Zuntz.


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