For a decade and a half, Rav Wolfson made an annual visit to Kew Gardens Hills

The Torah world was thrown into mourning this past Motza’ei Shabbos shortly after midnight, with the p’tirah of Rav Moshe Wolfson ztk”l, 99. In the 1960s, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rosh HaYeshivah at Mesivta Torah Vodaath of Kensington, Brooklyn, appointed Rav Wolfson, a beloved magid shiur, to be Mashgiach Ruchani at the Torah citadel where he had been one of Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz’s closest talmidim. Rav Wolfson was also the longtime mara d’asra at the Yeshiva’s summer getaway Camp Torah Vodaath, as well as at Beis Midrash Emunas Yisrael of Boro Park, which gained its namesake off the Rav’s everlasting principle of stressing the unique value of faith in our generation. Rav Wolfson, one of the most revered rabbinic figures of our time, delivered a down-to-earth experience to all he encountered.

In 1943, Rav Wolfson launched into a life of spreading Torah following his rebbi’s Aish Dos groundbreaking training program for American yeshivah and day school educators. The Rav’s summertime, surrounded by young budding b’nei Torah, was the precipice for a devoted following that later initiated the founding of the Rav’s 16th Avenue beis midrash at 43rd Street. Today, the k’hilah continues as a role model of davening with a pace and intensity unique to its sacred walls. Mispalelim share an unrestrained enthusiasm and force for t’filah and serving the Almighty.

Rav Moshe Wolfson ztkl addressing a Yeshiva Torah Vodaath parlor meeting in the home of Reb Yisroel Blumenfrucht in 2010


The Rav famously related, “I cannot define what chasidus is; it is a light the Baal Shem Tov kindled by which we can find our way until Mashiach.” For over 15 years, Rav Wolfson paid an annual visit to the Kew Gardens Hills home of Reb Yisroel and Mrs. Chanee Blumenfrucht for a parlor meeting on behalf of the Yeshiva. Notably, the fundraisers were often held during the Aseres Y’mei T’shuvah when it was quite difficult for the Rav to travel for an evening meeting, with S’lichos beginning early the next morning, but this yearly assembly was especially dear to the esteemed Mashgiach.

Avi Fishoff, originally of Queens, often turned to Rav Wolfson for support in his work from Home SWEEEET Home TWiSTED PARENTiNG! to written haskamos that appear in GPS! and CPR! Moreover, Rav Wolfson’s outlook, love, and belief of every single Jew’s potential pushed the Torah giant to send parents to Fishoff in need of guidance, ensuring that the Jewish nation never gives up on any child. In his own words, Rav Wolfson stated, “We need to properly understand the precious value of a Yiddishe soul.” The Torah tell us in the saga of the ben soreir u’moreh about a wayward and rebellious child that is brought to death by his parents. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai questions, “Because the child ate some meat and drank Italian wine, his father and mother took him to get stoned to death? It can’t be! It never happened and can never happen!” Rav Wolfson in his infinite wisdom added, “Rabbi Shimon understood the core essence of every single Yid, even a Jew who is on the lowest possible level! Therefore, Rabbi Shimon does not agree with the concept that we must kill such a child because there is no hope for him.”

Rav Wolfson lifted his flock, providing fresh perceptions for a pulsating Yiddishkeit and connected them to a deeper level of limud Torah through personal chidushim and hashkafos that are found in various volumes, including Sefer Emunas Itecha, Feast of Faith: Reveal the Radiance of Shabbos through the Parashah, Baila Vorhand, Feldheim (2022); The Core of Emunah: Fundamental Truths Of Emunah And Practical Strategies, Baila Vorhand, Feldheim (2020); ​Sacred Soil: A guided tour through the spiritual essence of Eretz Yisrael, Baila Vorhand, published by ArtScroll Mesorah Publications (2017); Service of the Heart: The Beauty and Essence of Tefillah, Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, ArtScroll Mesorah Publications (2012); Flames of Faith: An Introduction to Chasidic Thought, Rabbi Zev Reichman, Kodesh Publishers (2014); Wellspring of Faith: A Compilations Of Several Discourses Designed As an Experience Rather Than Instruction of Faith, Rabbi Yehoshua Fieldsteel, Feldheim (2002); and shiurim in English and Yiddish available on, or by dialing (646) 992-9900. Separately, over 50 free essays on parshah and z’manim are available at

The l’vayah began Sunday morning in Shikun Skver, continuing to Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, and paid a final respect to Beis Midrash Emunas Yisroel, before taking flight to Eretz Yisrael where k’vurah was held in Tverya.

Y’hi zichro baruch.

By Shabsie Saphirstein