If nonstop pressure from your job is wearing you down, hang in there, because relief may be on the way. A four-day workweek is becoming increasingly likely. That extra day will make employees calmer, more productive, and happier, and for many it can’t come soon enough. Even employers support this idea.

Ardent basketball fans, caught up in the excitement of games, often chant “De-fense, De-fense.”  There are several reasons why they do, but all boil down to supporting the home team and discouraging the opposing team.  “De-fense” also can be important to Wall Streeters.  Has the time come for investors to become defensive? 

Many people worry about a nuclear war, but others believe that if a doomsday conflict erupts, it will be fought with a very different kind of weapon: horrific cyberattacks. They note that sinister forces out there already have successfully attacked major companies and strategic targets. Are they planning even worse?

A hungry man is an angry man.

– Proverb

 Henry Kissinger once said whoever controls the food controls the people.  Well, there’s a shortage of food around the world and it’s becoming more serious.  At some point, governments will have to take charge of this crisis.  The question becomes: Are you prepared to be controlled?