With so many problems in the world these days, loneliness often gets pushed onto the backburner.  In a sense that’s understandable, but is unfortunate nevertheless, because this issue is very real, affects tens of millions, and can impact both emotional well-being and general health.  And over time, it has been getting steadily worse.  

What are the super-wealthy so worried about?  Why are they selling so much stock, buying land, and building bunkers?  Maybe they think the sky is about to fall.  Or maybe they’re afraid of something worse: the economy will crash, a terrible apocalypse is imminent, or the world’s craziness will go completely out of control. 

Back in 1958, a lot of people were delighted when the first US commercial nuclear power plant was built.  No wonder.  The plant offered the promise of reliable, clean, safe, and very inexpensive power.  Well, we all know that didn’t quite live up to expectations.