Election 2024 is finally over, and no one could be happier than President Trump.  When the final votes were tabulated, he must have been thinking, how sweet it is.

In 2016, he was accused of conspiring with the Russians, subjected to vicious personal attacks ever since, was the victim of unprecedented lawfare, armed government agents breaking into his Mar-a-Lago home, and two assassination attempts.  The list goes on, but as it says in Tehillim (75:8), “Hashem is the Judge, one He humbles, and one He raises.”  And Hashem decided to raise Trump.

We’re shocked by the widespread hunger in faraway countries.  Unfortunately, same problem exists right here in America today and even in New York.  And yet, despite this problem, the amount of food that’s wasted is absolutely mind-boggling.

Have you ever heard of Stanley Druckenmiller?  He’s one of the movers and shakers on Wall Street, the former head of the Duquesne Capital hedge fund, and a multi-billionaire who has been called one of the best investors in the world.  He worked alongside George Soros in 1992 on a trade that nearly bankrupted the Bank of England and netted his firm more than $1 billion in a single day.  To paraphrase the old advertisement: When he talks, everyone listens. 

We’ve been hearing a lot about the economy is getting weaker, but don’t try convincing anybody in the uranium business about that.  They think the industry is moving onto the fast track and from their perspective they’re probably right.  In addition to the usual demands some new technologies are emerging quickly, and to put it mildly these companies are really power hungry.  And more and more it’s looking like uranium will provide much of that needed power.

Here’s great news for everyone with a sweet tooth: The cake and cookies we’ll be eating in the relatively near future will look just as appetizing as usual and will also have the same tantalizing taste.  The great news is that it will also have an enzyme that reduces the amount of sugar absorbed into our bloodstreams.  In fact, it may even turn that sugar into a fiber that’s healthy for the gut.