Continuing the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens Shabbos Project Kits, this time the third graders learned the importance of chesed and the good feelings one receives when helping others.
Before Sukkos, the girls each decorated a small 4x4-inch box to replicate a sukkah. They demonstrated their creative touches with decorations and even s’chach! The girls packed the boxes with Shabbos and Yom Tov essentials like LED candles, tablecloths, and b’samim, and they included some special extras like flowers and the brachah for lighting the candles. The girls wanted to bring simchas ha’chag to those who would be hospital-bound over Yom Tov.
These girls had a fantastic time making the little sukkos and using their creativity to bring simchah to those who need joy in the hospital. We are sure the girls will take this message of giving and continue to find satisfaction in giving to others throughout their lives!